RC-AirSim 1.0 is a software simulation program that provides players with a radio controlled model aircraft flying experience using their keyboards or a joystick or even an Xbox 360 controller to enhance and simulate the reality of model aircraft flying.
The RC-AirSim 1.0 interface presents players with a familiar Windows’ style selection for choosing their aircraft from one of three available to them if they are using the free Demo of the program, or one of six models featured if they are using a registered copy. The free download version aircraft presented are fully functional and players have access to five minutes of flying each time they run the program. RC-AirSim 1.0 features Doppler correct sound with Action Mapping for Joystick/Controller and keyboard supported controls. Players can use the program’s simulated aircraft to learn how to control and fly actual radio controlled models since the program simulates genuine model aircraft, realistically, through its unique flight dynamics engine. This engine provides the full compliment of 31 Stability Co-efficients as well as 4 Mass Movements of inertia that ensure a more realistic experience.
Players who register their copy of RC-AirSim 1.0 and pay the small fee for their unlocking key will be able to access three additional aircraft and have unlimited flying time. Registered players can also create their own model aircraft. The Back 40 Trainer, the Slowmowatt Electric Park Flyer, and the Double Helix are the included model aircraft of the free Demo edition of the program but registered users also have access to an Emerald Glider, a Madster EDF, and the Modelair-Tech Slowmowatt.